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Weddings in Positano

Panorama of Positano with sea view

Weddings in Positano are a unique experience not to be missed!

Needless to say that a wedding in Positano is truly romantic. Positano with its warm climate, lively atmosphere, Positano wedding venues and vibrant Mediterranean colors will conquer you!

The famous author John Steinbeck once described Positano as "a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone". It certainly is an astonishing sight as picturesque Positano appears before you, a cluster of pretty pastel-shaded buildings packed tightly on a steeply terraced hillside with the beach and the glistening sea far below.

The road layout through this unique little town is quite amazing, just one steep one-way street and a higgledy-piggledy mass of sloping cobbled alleyways and steps. Fashionable boutiques selling the famous Positano lace dresses line the narrow alleys and there is a color and gaiety about the place which lends a very festive feel to the atmosphere.

The small village of Positano offers many beautiful venues for your wedding ceremony and reception.

A panoramic terrace overlooking the sea is the perfect backdrop for an outdoor civil wedding in Positano, while the local churches are suitable for getting married in Positano with a legally binding catholic wedding. Couples planning a protestant or symbolic wedding in Positano may choose among a luxuriant botanical garden, panoramic terraces of luxury hotels, or private Mediterranean Villas located in the heart of town.

We promise you a memorable Positano wedding kissed by the sun and blessed by the Mediterranean sea.

Wedding Ceremony in Positano
Wedding recessional in Positano
Wedding portrait in Positano
Wedding Banquet in Positano
Flower Decoration for Positano Wedding
Table setting for Positano Wedding
Bridal couple in Positano

Weddings in Positano

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Italy Office  +39 0432 913513
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