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Beauty Services and Wedding Attire

Exclusive Italy Weddings works with the best hair and make-up professionals to guarantee the most perfect look for a beautiful bride-to-be. We always schedule advance trial sessions so that make-up and hairstyle are refined and adjusted to your specifications. We are able to provide top-class beauty services throughout Italy to satisfy even the most demanding brides.
With regards to wedding attire, although Italy is famous for having excellent fashion designers, we strongly recommend spouses to purchase the wedding attire in their country so that fittings will be easily arranged. Tuxedo and gown rentals are not common in Italy, rental shops can be found only in large cities. We strongly discourage you from renting a gown in Italy since your expectations may not be completely satisfied.
Here is a piece of advice from our expert wedding planners: choose your wedding dress and attire only after having decided the style of wedding you wish to have. Purchasing a gown without even knowing where the ceremony and reception will be held is not a good idea. We suggest that brides go wedding dress shopping only after determining the basic elements and style of their wedding.