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Baba and Leni, wedding in Ravello

Baba and Leni, wedding in Ravello

Ravello June 8th 2014.


Buonasera Sara,


It was lovely to talk to you today.


Thanks again for all your and Maddalena's work with arranging our wedding. The boat trip to Positano and around Isle of Capri was fun, Villa Maria was wonderful, La Chiesa Santa Maria a Gradillo was beautiful and Caruso was spectacular. The party at the pool was so much fun with the live band that the Caruso staff were also dancing as well. Our only regret was that we couldn't continue the party all through the night.


We loved the flowers and the table decorations. They complemented the blue and coral that we and all the guests were wearing, especially the traditional Nigerian dresses. Even Carlo Carletti enjoyed the variety of colors. The whole weekend was more that we dreamed and we were glad to have you and Exclusive Italy plan our wedding.


Some of our guests are also planning their weddings and we have passed on yours and Maddalena's details to them so hopefully you'll get some more weddings to plan soon.


Please keep in touch and we look forward to hearing some news from you soon.


Baci e abbracci,


Baba & Leni

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