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Michelle and Alexandre, wedding in Ravello

Michelle and Alexandre, wedding in Ravello

Ravello, May 30th 2012.


First e-mail after the wedding


Sara, the wedding was PERFECT!!!!! We couldn't be happier on that day! All our guests were astonished by the spectacular view, amazing food and drinks and incomparable charm of hotel Caruso. It was just a pity that it couldn't last longer! It will be a forever memory in everyone's mind, specially ours (we still miss every minute of that day). We must thank you for your amazing work! We'll surely write you a full review, both in Portuguese and English, but we're still on our honeymoon in Turkey! =) As soon as we get back, you'll hear from us! Bacioni!!!!!!!!



Second e-mail after the wedding


Ciao Sara!!! Come stai????


We just got back from our honeymoon, which was also amazing!!!!!

Well, I’m trying to fins words to describe how Alexandre and I felt on the wedding day. I used to hear other people, at their own wedding, saying that such day was the happiest day of their lives and I couldn’t believe….well, I was very mistaken, for our wedding day was the happiest day of our lives!


I must admit we were afraid to organize a whole wedding through the internet and that the place wouldn’t be the same as it looked on the pictures we saw and we were right: they were much much better! The service, the food, the decoration…everything was incredibly perfect! I’m just sorry it couldn’t last longer…


And we would like to thank you for all of this! You were very caring to us, gave us all the assistance that we needed, gave you opinion at the right times and helped us made the best choices!

As we promised, here is our review both in Portuguese and English for you:


“When we think of getting married, we all (specially girls) start to imagine and wonder how the BIG day is going to be like….we imagine putting our dresses, entering into the altar, looking at the eyes of our beloved (and everybody looking at us!). And, of course, the party afterwards: the food, the place, the drinks, the music… Everything carefully planned and picked to be the wedding of our dreams…


When Alex and I decided to get married abroad, we had no idea where to start from… so many places, so many venues (villas, hotels, restaurants…), so many choices!! The internet is a source of endless options; and we must admit we were terrified of organizing such a special occasion through the internet and without ever seeing the place before – but our wish to make the wedding of our dreams was stronger than our fears.


Then we found Exclusive Italy Weddings on the internet. Laura Frappa and Sara Portello helped us choosing the city, the venue, the menu, the music, the decoration, everything… month by month, week by week, day by day until our wedding day. Oh boy, what was that day?! It was so perfect and incredible that our dreams couldn’t have had such a beautiful imagination! We couldn’t have forecasted such a charming, chic and romantic wedding.


Exclusive Italy Weddings really helped us and led us to that day. They gave us the right and conscious opinions – not too much and not too less. We cannot find words (and probably our guests couldn’t find either) to describe what an incredible wedding we had and we would like to thank Exclusive Italy Weddings for that! Specially Sara Portello who was our wedding planner!

Cheers to the wedding of our dreams!”


“Quando pensamos em nos casar, nós (especialmente as meninas) começamos a imaginar e divagar sobre como será nosso GRANDE dia.... imaginamos colocando nossos vestidos, entrando no altar, olhando nos olhos do nosso amado (e todo mundo olhando para a gente!). E, claro, pensamos na festa: na comida, no espaço, na bebida, na música... Tudo cuidadosamente planejado e escolhido para que o casamento seja o casamento de nossos sonhos....


Quando Alexandre e eu decidimos nos casar no exterior, não tínhamos idéia de onde começar... tantos lugares, tantos espaços (castelos, hotéis, restaurantes...), tantas opções!! A internet é uma fonte inesgotável de opções e ofertas; e temos que admitir que estávamos morrendo de medo de organizar um evento tão especial pela internet e sem nunca ter visto o lugar, sem experimentar os comes e bebes – mas nosso desejo de realizar o casamento dos nossos sonhos foi mais forte do que nossos medos.


E então encontramos Exclusive Italy Weddings pela internet. Laura Frappa e Sara Portello nos ajudaram a escolher a cidade, o espaço, o menu, a música, a decoração, tudo...mês a mês, semana a semana, dia a dia até que chegou o dia do nosso casamento. Nossa, o que foi aquele dia?! Foi tudo tão perfeito e incrível que nem nossos sonhos poderiam ter uma imaginação tão fértil! Nós não poderíamos prever um casamento tão charmoso, chique e romântico.


Exclusive Italy Weddings realmente nos ajudaram e nos guiaram para aquele dia. Elas nos deram opiniões corretar e conscientes – não muito e nem muito pouco. Nós não conseguimos encontrar palavras (e nossos convidados provavelmente também não) para descrever o quão incrível foi nosso casamento e gostaríamos de agradecer a Exclusive Italy Weddings por isso! Especialmente a Sara Portello, que foi a nossa cerimonialista!

Viva ao casamento dos nossos sonhos!”


Alexandre e Michelle

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