Laura Frappa's Blog

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Serene and Stephane, luxury Ravello wedding

Serene and Stephane, luxury Ravello wedding

Ravello, August 6th 2011.


Carissima Laura,


Where does one begin when thanking you and the team at Exclusive Italy for making one week in Italy the happiest ever in our lives???


I gave you a really tough job Laura: that of not only organizing our wedding day but rather our wedding week! 6 days of unforgettable and stylish sight-seeing, partying, wining and dining, for us and our 100 or so guests, on the Amalfi Coast.. all during peak season! And with the requirement for "only the very best".


And for our wedding day... We bombarded you with so many many exceptional requests! Requests meant to make of that day our vision of beauty and love for life! And now you know how crazy that vision is!


Anyone else would have hesitated to take on our mandate. You grabbed it immediately, seizing the opportunity to fully exercise your professionalism, experience and creativity.


Laura, we are so grateful to you and your team. Grateful for the emails answered immediately, even at late hours in the night, grateful for the fantastic ideas, grateful for grasping immediately what we wanted to do and making it even better, grateful for putting up with all our demands and demanding natures, grateful for the incredible coordination your team did on location during our wedding week.


Beyond the experience, the knowledge and availability, we are grateful, Laura, for the heart and the soul you and your team put in making this happen. And that, money cannot buy. You either have it or you don't. And you certainly do Dearest Laura.


Thank you, Grazie, Gracias from the bottom of our hearts!

Now I just have to think of another event I want to work with you on!!!! Or else I will miss you too much!



Serene + Stephane

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